
The purpose of the St. Anne Altar Society is to promote Christian living and service in St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, foster the spiritual development of the women of the parish, and to provide opportunities for friendship and community spirit through social, cultural, and educational programs and events.

Responsibilities include:


  • Purchasing items for the sanctuary, altar linens, candles, and priest's vestments;
  • Making or purchasing various religious articles needed and/or requested by the priest (e.g., linens, stoles, pall, vestments, etc.);
  • Furnishing flowers for the graves of deceased priests, deacons, and sisters;
  • Providing receptions for First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation;
  • Coordinating, cooking, and hosting the annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner;
  • Reciting a Rosary for each member of the Altar Society upon the person's death;
  • Conducting bake sales and other fund raising events;
  • Contributing to the annual bazaar; and
  • Assisting various ministries within the Parish.



We invite all women of the parish to join us as we work together and enjoy fellowship while sharing common goals.  Annual dues are $10.00.  For more information, please contact the parish office at 906-643-7671.

catholic-center (1)
We meet on the third Tuesday of every month in the Catholic Center (31 Spring St, Saint Ignace).  Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and last approximately an hour. 
Catholic Center
31 Spring Street
St. Ignace, Michigan
Mary Hobson
Vice President
Mary Burris

Terri Hoath

Joan Turner-Coven



St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
St. Ignace, Michigan
(906) 643-7671
Faith Formation/Catholic Center: (906) 643-8887


Immaculate Conception Parish
Moran, Michigan