

       We welcome our parishioners and visitors back as we resume our weekend public Masses. We have missed you, and we thank you for your support during the Stay-at-Home time, whether through prayer or continued financial giving.
          Our Masses will follow our usual weekend and weekday schedules.  At each Mass we will follow the extra precautions of asking everyone attending to wear a face mask and observe the requirement for social distancing.


St. Ignatius Loyola and Immaculate Conception Parishes have initiated “online giving” for those who want to use a credit/debit card or a bank account in lieu of writing checks or using cash in Sunday envelopes.


Step 1.  Browse to and click “Register.”
Step 2.  Create your online account.  (Remember your password!)
Step 3.  Open the email they send you and click on that link to activate your account.  (In future, you’ll Sign In using only your email and password.)
Step 4.  Choose the church you want to donate to.  Search by city.  When you see the right church(!!), click on that church name.  Add your Sunday envelope number.
Step 5.  Next, add a “Wallet,” i.e., the account you’re donating from.  Give it a name, such as, “My Visa” or “My Checking.”  Enter your account information.
Step 6.  Now “Add an Offering.”  Follow the screen steps to specify how much you want to give, when, how often, and from which wallet to what parish fund.  Generally, everyone will give to the Sunday/Holyday fund in lieu of using your envelopes.  Then, repeat “Add an Offering” to give to other funds: fuel/heat, diocesan, etc.
Note: the fee associated with your donation will be shown.  You can either pay that fee yourself or let it be a cost to the parish.
Step 7.  Click “Next” and confirm your offering details.  When all is correct, click “Submit.”


Dear Virtual Traveler,
You have arrived at the virtual home of the St. Ignace/Moran Catholic Community.  You are welcome to enter our door and meet us!  Our congregation includes year 'round residents as well as summer visitiors.  Geographically, we are located near the majestic shores of the Straits of Mackinac and are part of the Diocese of Marquette which encompasses the whole of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
As you explore our website, you will find images and text describing multiple facets of faith life. There are so many ways to get involved in the parish and truly encounter the living presence of Jesus Christ. We hope that this website will serve as a guide to help you in your journey toward the Kingdom of God.
May God's peace be with you.
Father Francis J. Ricca and the people of St. Ignatius Loyola and Immaculate Conception Parishes


St. Ignatius Loyola


Saturday 5:00 PM and Sunday 9:00 AM
Weekdays: Tuesday 5:30 PM, Wednesday - Thursday - Friday 12:10 PM

Eucharistic Adoration: Saturday 11:00 AM - noon

Saturday 3:30 PM

Immaculate Conception

Mass: Sunday 11:00 AM
Weekdays: Saturday 10:00 AM

Eucharistic Adoration: Saturday 10:30-11:30 AM

Saturday 11:30 AM

St. Ignatius Loyola
Mission Statement

We, the people of St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Parish strive with the help of the Holy Spirit to ground our lives in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We experience his living presence through the vibrant celebration of the Eucharist. As stewards of creation, we share our gifts of time, talents and treasures with all in need for the greater glory of God.

Immaculate Conception
Mission Statement

As a family united in Eucharist, we believe that all our strength in ministry flows from the act of breaking bread together in the Name of Jesus. We welcome all people to this community. We seek God in one another. We praise God in prayer and song.


St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
St. Ignace, Michigan
(906) 643-7671
Faith Formation/Catholic Center: (906) 643-8887


Immaculate Conception Parish
Moran, Michigan